What’s Hot and What’s Not This Week

VLUU L100, M100  / Samsung L100, M100

So, this week has mainly consisted of feebly attempting to study for law exams and write law essays which are due to be submitted in two weeks. I’ll do it, but I suspect it means less procrastination and less applying to intern at magazines. Working in London at a magazine is what I really want to do in life, but passing my degree is fairly important. So, my week has been spent deciding what is great to do in life, and what is not quite that.

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The Joys of Interning


Today, I can safely say that I have never ever been so productive in the entirety of my life. Instead of leaving everything until last minute, I decided that today was the day to get myself into gear and begin to apply for work experience/internships (if anyone from anywhere I applied is reading then thank you very much for actually taking the time to read my blog!). Continue reading

The side effects of Valentine’s Day and Vodka


So, Valentine’s Day is the one day where loved up couples can express their love in public without repercussions. Of course, for those without a date on Valentine’s Day there are two options:

1. Spend a night in front of the TV watching Bridget Jones with pizza and crisps, or

2. Go out and allow vodka to be your new best friend.

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