What’s Hot and What’s Not This Week

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So, this week has mainly consisted of feebly attempting to study for law exams and write law essays which are due to be submitted in two weeks. I’ll do it, but I suspect it means less procrastination and less applying to intern at magazines. Working in London at a magazine is what I really want to do in life, but passing my degree is fairly important. So, my week has been spent deciding what is great to do in life, and what is not quite that.

What’s Hot

Game of Thrones


The epic HBO drama returned to Sky Atlantic on Monday night, but in a feeble attempt to avoid spoilers I decided to stay up until 2 in the morning to watch it with the rest of America. Granted, I was practically dead on my feet at work the following day, but it was worth it. There was the usual violence and the standard scenes of nudity; what is there not to love? Even though Joffrey was only on screen for less than five minutes he brought out the usual reaction of yelling at the television in my household. My favourite character is turning out to be Jaime, the guy is complex and has no right hand making him almost seem attainable considering how perfect he was before.  I mean, where does he get his sarcastic comments from and so quickly? Basically, Monday night was made by the new season and long may it continue!

Vanderpump Rules


A void had been left in my life. Season 3 of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills ended in the UK this week . But then I discovered something marvelous. Vanderpump Rules follows the staff at RHOBH star Lisa Vanderpump’s restaurant Sur. And if anything, the staff are almost as bitchy as the Real Housewives which makes for excellent viewing! I have seen Lisa scold members of her staff for being caught frolicking in a bathroom whilst others pursue a singing/modelling/acting career. It has to be one of the most exciting reality TV programmes in a long time and long may Vanderpump rule!

Homemade Pizza

So, basically me and one of my best friends at uni live off of homemade pizza. It’s like a traditional weekly thing. But the base is made from puff pastry instead of pizza dough! It’s much more lighter and easier to roll out of a packet than making dough. Add tomato puree, grated cheese, mozzarella, some form of meat (we use cooked sausage), onion and then anything else you fancy throwing on top. It is literally the best thing in the world when you’ve had a hard day of lectures and need something tasty. Who said that diets are important?

What’s Not


Why does anyone want to study? It is the most overrated thing to do in the entire world. Waking up in the morning to come to the realisation that words need to be wrote and statutes need to be learned fills me with dread. No wonder the snooze button is continuously hit in the morning hours.




In a feeble attempt to slim into a dress I bought I decided to diet, but this is ridiculously difficult if you work in a chocolate shop surrounded by Easter eggs and a plate of free sample chocolate by the till you work on. It is also difficult when you live off of bottles of Coca- Cola in a feeble attempt to stay awake till the early hours of the morning and complete research. I promise to return to the diet…just after Easter and exams are finished!


As a Brit, the weather is something which is brought up in everyday conversation. It is always important to know the weather before going out. A rookie mistake is straightening hair and then stepping out into the wind without thinking of hairspray. By the time I arrived at the pub my hair was flicking out at every angle. But there is always one bright side; it wasn’t raining!

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