London Evening Standard Award brings back memories

Coriolanus 1

The recent news of Tom Hiddleston being nominated for a London Evening Standard award brought back fond memories of my time in London over the New Year. Me and an old college friend decided to book a spontaneous trip down to London and she managed to secure us tickets to see Hiddleston in Coriolanus on New Year’s Eve. It definitely beat battling the crowds on the Thames riverbank to see the firework display. Continue reading

Five Tom Hiddleston Films to Fangirl Over


Sorry Cumberbitches, it seems that Benedict is now off the market. So for now it’s time to move on and find someone else to spend hours Googling. Is there anyone as well educated or good looking as Tom Hiddleston to replace BC? Let’s also not forget that he dances better than anyone you’ve ever seen. Shakira was telling the truth when she said that hips don’t lie.   Continue reading

Marvel’s Marvels


For anyone who is as obsessed with superhero films as I am, then obviously you will know that Marvel announced their next set of movies through to 2019. The good news is that it looks like the Avengers have no chance of retiring just yet, but the bad news is having to wait until 2019. Do you know that is like five years away? I’m probably expected to have a job by then…or a career for those who want long term investment. Continue reading

Gone Girl Gives Good

GONE GIRL, from left: Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, 2014. ph: Merrick Morton/TM & copyright ©20th

The other week I went to the cinema with a bunch of friends to go and see David Fincher’s latest offering: Gone Girl. I hadn’t read the book and I had avoided all social media, film reviews and comments about the film before stepping inside the cinema. I had heard that it was a spectacular film full of suspense and drama, and I was hardly disappointed. Continue reading

Why I will miss True Blood


So here in the UK we have yet to see the final episode of True Blood. After seven seasons I can definitely say that I am not ready for it to end. A lot of people told me it all went downhill after season four, but I carried on. Granted, some of the ‘Billith’ stuff was a bit weird, but I kept going. I stuck with True Blood like a dedicated viewer and I even bought the box set, which I watch religiously. So what is it about True Blood that will be missed the most? Continue reading

My time in London

So I haven’t really blogged in a while and there has been one reason for that. I’ve spent the past six weeks interning and it has been fabulous. I’ve worked in different local newspapers for four weeks, but two weeks were spent in London working for GoThinkBig, a career website which offers loads of work placement opportunities as well as career advice. Continue reading