Old School Movies

Valentine’s Day is over and so there is no reason to cry into your ice cream anymore. So, if you have no plans for this Saturday night then the best thing to do is stick on a movie which defines your childhood! Of course, no list would be complete without these classics!

Freaky Friday

Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis star as daughter and mother in this classic Disney film. Granted it may be a remake, but it is still a film worth watching. The two switch places and there are classic one liners involved as they find love, struggle to act like the other one acts and mend their relationship. Besides, ho can forget the famous: ‘I look like the crypt keeper!’

Freaky Friday

Just My Luck

Granted this film will never win any awards, but it is a film which makes anyone feel good about themselves. Not to mention it features McFly! Christ Pine and Lindsay Lohan star as the main characters. Lohan is always in luck, but Pine never seems to get any of that. Of course there comes to be some role reversal and Lohan suddenly suffers misfortune whilst Pine flourishes. It’s funny, cute and definitely worth a watch.

Just my Luck

High School Musical

Granted it may not be old enough to be considered ‘old school’ but High School Musical is a film which will have you throwing the popcorn in the air whilst singing along to familiar old songs. Troy(Zac Efron) and Gabriella (Vanessa Hudgens) are the lovelorn couple, but it is Sharpay and Ryan who provide the catchiest songs. Bop to the Top anyone?


Princess Diaries

‘Me? A Princess? Shut up!’ Every girl remembers The Princess Diaries as Anne Hatahway’s breakout performance as the geeky Mia who is transformed into a glamorous Princess of Genovia. Julie Andrews is the Queen of Genovia who learns the strange workings of San Fran as she rescues her granddaughter from her poor school life. Best Grandma ever award? Julie Andrews definitely wins.


Mean Girls

Mean Girls is most certainly a film which can be considered ‘fetch’. There is never any doubt about that. It is the classic film which defines any twenties girls teenage years. Lindsay Lohan is the new girl who gets into bother with the popular girls of the school in the form of Regina George and her ‘Plastic’ crew. With memorable quotes, humor and Tina Fey, Mean Girls has everything needed for a good night in.


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